
Liberty is the foundation that our country was based on.  Liberty can be defined primarily as freedom…primarily but not all.  What do you do if everyone is free?  Does everyone have unbridled freedom to do whatever they want to anyone else?  No.  We wouldn’t want a totally free society.  In a totally free society one is free to do anything:  to kill, to steal, to vandalize, etc.  That is why the term “Liberty” is used.  Liberty is freedom + morality.  It is the concept of how a free people interact with one another while yet respecting each others freedom.  Liberty is based on the concept of natural law and the following volume deals with this subject in detail.

The Ethics of Liberty

In this volume, the reader is first familiarized with the concept of Natural Law theory. Many do not realize this but; this is what our country was founded upon. In fact, the Declaration of Independence is an assertion of this Natural Law. After this ethical introduction, this work goes on to address numerous ethical issues, showing how liberty is in the right in every case. In the final two sections, the state’s role in society as inherently anti-liberty is enumerated and details of the structure of the alternate theories of liberty are brought to the fore. The word “ethics” in the title is not quite appropriate, since the author does not attempt to discuss matters of good and bad, right and wrong; what he does undertake to discuss is what kind of actions should be legally prohibited and why. You can read it in PDF format HERE or you can listen to the audio version below.

Part 1:
Introduction: Natural Law

Chapter 1 - Natural Law and Reason

by Murray N. Rothbard | The Ethics of Liberty

Chapter 2 - Natural Law as Science

by Murray N. Rothbard | The Ethics of Liberty

Chapter 3 - Natural Law Versus Positive Law

by Murray N. Rothbard | The Ethics of Liberty

Chapter 4 - Natural Law and Natural Rights

by Murray N. Rothbard | The Ethics of Liberty

Chapter 5 - The Task of Political Philosophy

by Murray N. Rothbard | The Ethics of Liberty

Part 2:
A Theory Of Liberty

Chapter 6 - A Crusoe Social Philosophy

by Murray N. Rothbard | The Ethics of Liberty

Chapter 7 - Interpersonal Relations: Voluntary Exchange

by Murray N. Rothbard | The Ethics of Liberty

Chapter 8 - Interpersonal Relations: Ownership and Aggression

by Murray N. Rothbard | The Ethics of Liberty

Chapter 9 - Property and Criminality

by Murray N. Rothbard | The Ethics of Liberty

Chapter 10 - The Problem of Land Theft

by Murray N. Rothbard | The Ethics of Liberty

Chapter 11 - Land Monopoly, Past and Present

by Murray N. Rothbard | The Ethics of Liberty

Chapter 12 - Self-Defense

by Murray N. Rothbard | The Ethics of Liberty

Chapter 13 - Punishment and Proportionality

by Murray N. Rothbard | The Ethics of Liberty

Chapter 14 - Children and Rights

by Murray N. Rothbard | The Ethics of Liberty

Chapter 15 - "Human Rights" As Property Rights

by Murray N. Rothbard | The Ethics of Liberty

Chapter 16 - Knowledge, True and False

by Murray N. Rothbard | The Ethics of Liberty

Chapter 17 - Bribery

by Murray N. Rothbard | The Ethics of Liberty

Chapter 18 - The Boycott

by Murray N. Rothbard | The Ethics of Liberty

Chapter 19 - Property Rights and the Theory of Contracts

by Murray N. Rothbard | The Ethics of Liberty

Chapter 20 - Lifeboat Situations

by Murray N. Rothbard | The Ethics of Liberty

Chapter 21 - The "Rights" of Animals

by Murray N. Rothbard | The Ethics of Liberty

Part 3:
The State Versus Liberty

Chapter 22 - The Nature of the State

by Murray N. Rothbard | The Ethics of Liberty

Chapter 23 - The Inner Contradictions of the State

by Murray N. Rothbard | The Ethics of Liberty

Chapter 24 - The Moral Status of Relations to the State

by Murray N. Rothbard | The Ethics of Liberty

Chapter 25 - On Relations Between States

by Murray N. Rothbard | The Ethics of Liberty

Part 4:
Modern Alternative Theories Of Liberty

Chapter 26 - Utilitarian Free-Market Economics

by Murray N. Rothbard | The Ethics of Liberty

Chapter 27 - Isaiah Berlin on Negative Freedom

by Murray N. Rothbard | The Ethics of Liberty

Chapter 28 - F.A. Hayek and The Concept of Coercion

by Murray N. Rothbard | The Ethics of Liberty

Chapter 29 - Robert Nozick and the Immaculate Conception of the State

by Murray N. Rothbard | The Ethics of Liberty

Part 5:
Toward A Theory Of Strategy For Liberty

Chapter 30 - Toward a Theory of Strategy for Liberty

by Murray N. Rothbard | The Ethics of Liberty