Warm Up
An Introduction To Liberty Concepts To Get Your Brain Working
The “Warm Up” section contains short videos or a short series of videos that we found from around the web that cover some basic concepts. These videos range from the political theories and philosophies that make up the concept of America and our type of government to concepts in economic logic that form the basis of our free market principles. All of these are quick overviews to get you introduced to and ready for the further tabs of the site. We also included a third group of videos that don’t fit into the above categories but, are very informative nonetheless. And, for that, we decided to include them as well.
Political Philosophy: America, Liberty, Natural Law and Freedom
Overview of America
The JBS did an outstanding job of encapsulating the most educational video on America that we have found in such a short time. Their video covers the political spectrum, the differences between the different forms of government and what sets ours apart as well as the impacts of each of these economically on the individual.
The Philosphy of Liberty
The Philosophy of Liberty was a video we came upon on YouTube. The 8 minute animation does an excellent job of visually explaining the philosophy of Liberty that is the foundation of the American Political Philosophy. This concept is also known as Natural Law.
The Philosphy of Liberty
Part 1: Property
The Philosphy of Liberty
Part 1: Plunder
Make Mine Freedom
This 1948 cartoon gives an excellent outline surrounding the problems of falling for any of the “isms” that are pushed. The “isms” are things like socialism, fascism, communism, etc. Made during the Cold War, many of the worries and warnings that the video gives are as true today as they were then.
It’s Everybody’s Business
A 1954 Cartoon created for the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, “It’s Everybody’s Business” gives a look at how proper captialism functions and having the freedom for business to produce is still the best form of economic system. The the cartoon is from 1954 the concepts and theory are still just as sound.
Economic Thought
Economic thought is important to understand the other pillar that America was founded on, the concept of free-market principles.
I, Pencil: The Movie
The Broken Window Fallacy
We hear all the time about how the government needs to “stimulate” the economy. But, where does the government get this money in the first place? The broken window fallacy answers this question in a short little parable. This short video explains one of the most persistent economic fallacies of our day.
Trade Is Made Of Win, Part 1: Wealth Creation
How does trading make people better off? Economics professor Art Carden explains in this quick lesson on one of the most important concepts in Economics 101: trade creates wealth. Part 1 of 3.
Trade Is Made of Win, Part 2: Cooperation
Prof. Art Carden examines how trade creates wealth, by allowing people working together to produce more than they could individually. Using a simple two-person example, he shows another example of how cooperation during production benefits everyone. Part 2 of 3
Trade Is Made of Win, Part 3: Conservation
Prof. Art Carden explains how trade not only creates wealth, but conserves both wealth and resources. When people have access to trade, they can produce the things they make efficiently, and then trade for the things they can’t produce as efficiently. This means they are able to meet their needs while consuming fewer resources. Part 3 of 3 in the “Trade is Made of Win” series.
Economics on One Foot
How quickly could you sum up the principles of economics? While standing on one foot, Prof. Art Carden discusses some major economic principles in this Economics Made Easy video.
Is the Cost of Living Really Rising?
One contemporary economic myth is that the cost of living has consistently risen for Americans over the past century. In fact, prices are higher today than they were 100 years ago. However, prices today have been heavily influenced by inflation. One way of avoiding inflationary distortions is to look at amount of labor hours required to make a purchase. Using this analysis, Prof. Horwitz finds that most goods and services have never been cheaper.